Well, the goal was $500, and WE MADE IT!!!!!
As I posted over on Facebook, I have been absolutely floored by the generosity of the people here. From our daycare provider to a breast cancer survivor to a childhood friend battling her own disease, from my postmaster to a group of online freaks who used to hang out at the same place, from family members to a family I met but one time in passing in the Disney World parks, you all have humbled me.
A big THANK YOU needs to go out to those who helped out by donating to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. If you did donate on my behalf and your name is not listed below (especially if you made an online donation), please let me know at cemushr@hotmail.com so we can link up your donation. If you made an anonymous donation online, again please let me know, and while keeping your anonymity, I'll add your total to the list below.
The race is coming up...quicker than I was expecting! If you would like to follow my progress in the half-marathon, you can sign up to receive e-mails/texts/etc at certain distance locations at http://live.activeresult.com/msg/MSG-signup.tcl?event_id=3 .
DONATIONS AS OF 02/21/2011
Anonymous $100
Avanti's Dine to Donate Program $67
Jim and Jean Beierlein $50
Jim and Karen Guglielmo $50
Ed and Judy Hines $50
Bob and Cindy Miller $50
Kelly Peck $50
Annette Rutledge $50
Jim and Carol Kunce $30
Anonymous $25
Anonymous $25
Eric Berger $25
Double 'C' Boutique $25
The Manning Family $25
Cathy and Jim McConnell $25
Harold and Diane Melton $25
Dan and Jayne Mushrush $25
Anthony Ostrosky $25
Kathi Schaeffer $25
Brian Swann $25
Thia Stevens-Wagner $25
Chili's Normal Pepper Profits $23
Francisco Arceo $20
Mary Bargmann $20
Sandra Perkins $10
Total: $870!

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