Part 2 is located HERE!
We walk in to MK and attempt a requisite floral pic:

Nope…try again…

Is it too much to ask to get them both looking? To those with 3+ kids, I bow down before you!
Mare calls back and says that they'll be in Epcot for a while but are planning on heading over to MK later on in the evening. BUT she adds that her friend Al is going to be working in MK that afternoon and that he's done the AAA Story Time before.
Can he bring Jasmine?
We'll have to wait and see if he's the one doing it, but, while waiting outside of Exposition Hall, out comes a character we haven't seen other than on the opening ceremony train…

We make our way into Expo Hall and ask a CM which way to go for the Story. He informs me that it was canceled and that they should have contacted me about it.
"No. It's right back there"
@#$%@%&@%$! Smartalek CMs!! (good one)
We take a seat and throw the boys up front with the rest of the kids.

It IS Al!

For those AAA members who book a trip through them and have kids (enough disclaimers there?), I'd highly recommend taking the time to do this. They only have 20 or so people in there for the story, and the children get some good quality time with a face character. Aladdin talks for a bit before getting into the story. During the story, he tells of Jasmine and her pet tiger Raja. Eric pipes up out of nowhere and mentions that he has cats.
Oh boy.
Secretly, I want to stand up and point to Sheri, exclaiming that he gets that from her side of the family.
Aladdin keeps the entire room enthralled for about 15-20 minutes with his rendition of the story in the book. After the story, everyone lines up for autographs and pictures with him, and we try to keep the boys towards the back so we could talk for a minute with him. While we're in line, Aaron asks if we get to see Renee tonight. About that time, I hear Aladdin ask one of the others what their wish could be if they could talk to Genie. Aaron decides that his wish would be to see Renee tonight.
All together now…..
It's our turn, and, of course, we don't have a pen that works, so we steal the one from the family nearby. Aaron tells Al about the Renee wish, and he starts smiling. He immediately tells me (with a wink) that he is sorry that Jasmine couldn't make it.
That's okay...Jasmine and I will always have the Moose Meet (pic from October '07 mega meet)

He calls Sheri by name and was trying to remember mine.
I try to help out… "starts with a 'C' --- ends with an 'H'
Sheri turns to me with a puzzled look on her face (a normal look, for her, when I'm talking) before I realize what I said. Al also had the puzzled look (not so normal a look), while Sheri was changing hers to a LOOOOZERRRR look. I was waiting for him to say something like, "so.......your name is Crotch?"
We talk for a couple more minutes as he signs the bookmarks that the boys received.

I'm serious when I say that some people are simply made for parts. This guy IS Aladdin in so many peoples' eyes – I wonder if he realizes how many people he makes smile every day. I'll see him in pictures every so often, and I usually try to get them to him.
We part ways (didn't want to hold him hostage) and take a couple of pics by the setups that they have nearby:

We then head out and fly towards the Emporium to see if our old neighbor's mother…
Wait…that didn't come out right…our neighbor's old mother…
Nope…(bangs head on wall)
The mother of our neighbor who lived next door to us before our last move.
What was I saying again?
Oh yeah…going to see Judy. We know the days that she works over there, but we aren't quite sure about the hours. We've seen her at opening a couple of times, but it's later in the afternoon. We look around for her for a few minutes and, since we have ressies at Liberty Tree coming up soon, we decide to ask. As luck would have it, one of the supervisors is walking by, so I ask her really quick. Judy was released from her shift just a couple of minutes prior.
Oh well…we'll try to catch her tomorrow morning.
We make our way over to Liberty Square but hit the bathrooms first. Sheri is proud of herself as she is doing the navigating for this particular portion of our trip and got us there without a single wrong turn. We make our way into Liberty Tree and, while I check in, Wifey looks for a place to sit. Aaron is nearing the maniacal stage, and I contemplate utilizing the stockades nearby for him.
About ten minutes later, the Mushrush family from the glorious territory of Illinois (or something like that…it's been almost 2.5 years since we were there…SO SUE ME!!!) is announced, and we are seated. Our server is Michael/Miguel, and Sheri and I both immediately recognize him from our trip in May (of course it's in the blog...right here).
This, of course, means that we've been to WDW too many times this year.
Yeah, right.
It was a meal just like any other meal that we have at home. Both kids spill their drinks within 20 minutes of being there. They both announce that they are done eating while we are still cutting their meat. Eric has to go potty twice…right about the time Goofy came by. Eric is upset because he didn't get to see Goofy. We ask a CM if we can do a quick "hi" to Goofy since Eric missed him. We see Dale and Dale. Chip does a fly-by. Minnie gets pissed at the table next to us. Really…she does!

Like I said…just like a typical meal at the Mushrush home.
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