Day 1, Part II HERE
We start to make our way to Pizza Planet as we thought we could beat the majority of the crowds. As we head over there we see the speeder pic opportunity.
I've been trying to find this place for years!!!! I never knew it was out in the open, or I would have found it sooner.

Someday we'll sit down and watch all the Star Wars movies with the boys.
We park the stroller over by Muppets, get to Pizza Planet and try to figure out what to order. Aaron wanted cheese…no…pepperoni…no…cheese…no…peppWOULD YOU MAKE UP YOUR MIND???!!!
As we figure out what to order, we hear, "Chris!"
Kelly (daycare provider) had just gotten their food and was heading to her crew. Sheri agrees to take the boys to talk to them. I order and wait for the food. It finally comes, and I look at the two trays for a minute. Okay, let's put all the drinks on the corners of the tray and put the Mickey bars in the middle. Good. Now, salads on the next tray, with pizzas on top of the salad bowls. Put the tray with the pizzas/salads on top of the drinks, and……
HEY!!!! I can carry it all!!!
I (very slowly) make my way to the dressing, utensils, straws, etc. and found myself being looked at by at least 20 sets of eyes, all wondering if I was going to make it.
Nooooooo problem!
A woman comes up next to me and exclaims that what I created is "an engineering marvel of genius." I laugh at her and respond with "or stupidity!"
I fear that they are up the stairs but am relieved to find the Mushfam and Kelly (daycare provider) and her crew really close on the bottom floor. Sheri's eyes bug out when she sees how I'm carrying the stuff and lets out an audible whew when I set the trays on the floor without spilling it all on her.
We have a good meal talking with the others. Brad, Kelly's (daycare provider's) hubbie was wondering how the Hell we voluntarily came back after what they saw at MK the day before (I warned them that it would be busy). He almost got into a fistfight with someone over an issue with strollers. Their luggage didn't arrive until around 9:15 that night (and they had to unpack 7 people's worth of clothes). Not a good first day for them. Today, however, was going much better for them, though they ignored our pleas to take all the kids back for a mid-day rest. We are heading to Muppets next, but they have already seen it. Kelly (daycare provider) decided to try to see the Osborne lights (as they turned them on) and then try to catch Fantasmic. We let the kids play for a bit, while we talked (each hoping to find a time to grab a drink at the hotel). Kelly (daycare provider) makes sure to tell Sheri that the guy playing Indy is HOT!!!! We then go our separate ways and make our way to Muppets.
We drop off some stuff in the stroller and make our way to the entrance to Muppets. Now, I have heard about the key under the mat since our first trip, but I had never seen it. I finally see the door (right at the entrance…I was always looking deeper inside the attraction), and the CM proceeds to take me on a tour of some of the gags in there (the net fullofjello, which I had heard of) and a muppet of Jim Henson (which I hadn't heard of before).
Aaron says he doesn't want to see the show because it's stupid. I tell him he's going anyway.
Guess who was laughing the hardest during the show? Brat.
We get out, grab the stroller, curse the person who spilled our drink in the stroller, and make our way to Indy for the show over there. Now, Eric is still in that "I don't like bright things that go boom" stage, and we're taking him to a stunt show with lots of pyrotechnics. We sit down a good 15 minutes before the show starts, and he's already freaking out. Of course, we're sitting somewhat close to the front (probably so Sheri could get a better look at Indy). The show starts, and immediately, we like the effects at night. We saw this show back in 2001 during the day and walked by it at dusk during our anniversary trip last May, noting that the effects seemed more awe-inspiring as it got darker. Eric fears for Indy's life, and we try to convince him that it's all pretend…they're acting. Once he saw Indy pop up after getting crushed by the boulder, Eric seemed okay with it. I also think I saw him drawing up plans to have a boulder similar to what he just saw take out his brother when we got home. I tried to get a picture on my cell phone of the "director" as he has a striking resemblance to one of my online friends (RoutemanDan), but I couldn't get a picture to turn out. Aaron loved the bullets spraying everywhere and the fights. Eric gave commentary on everything: "that was a loud gun!"… "that fire was really bright!!!" … "he fell off the top of the building and is dead!!!!!!!"
Maybe we'll have a chance to see Wishes tomorrow without him curling up into the fetal position.
The show ends, and we make our way back to the stroller. We have hardly used it at all, but I wanted to bring it just in case. I'd feel better pushing an empty stroller (and telling people we left the baby at the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground) than toting a tired, cranky kid to the bus stops. Well, it paid off, because Eric is now starting to wear down a little and hopped in the stroller. We decide to hold off on the Osborne lights, which Aaron thought were boring, and head back to the hotel.
Being an EMH night, I didn't think the crowds were too terribly bad for the park. We make our way out to the bus stops, and a Movies bus shows up within five minutes. We aren't sharing with the other All-Star resorts, so it's a quick trip back to the hotel. We arrive and walk through Andy's room because Eric wanted to tell "Hor-C" good night ("RC"). We get to the elevator (Aaron pushed the up button) and got to our room with Sheri and I holding our breath that the luggage would be there.
It was!!! I know that Magical Express sometimes gets a bad rap, but we have had nothing but good things to say about the service.
The boys are going crazy in the typical weareatWaltDisneyWorldandwearesoflippinghappythatwecannotcontainourselves!!!!!! mode, so I throw Eric in the tub for a bath while Sheri started unpacking. Eric's done, so I throw Aaron in the shower. Aaron's done, so Sheri takes a bath while I threaten the boys with their lives to calm down and watch cartoons. Sheri's done so I take a shower.
According to Sheri's notes: "…still trying to get them to sleep @ 9:24 pm."
I honestly don't know what time they finally fell asleep.
Day 2 starts HERE.
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