Day 1 can be found HERE.
What the…?
Eric fell out of bed.
He was so tired that I don't think he realized it was supposed to hurt. We throw him back in bed and go back to sleep.
6:10…ring ring ring. We answer the phone and discover that Stitch still has reign over the alarm system. We look over at the boys, who are both snoring. We get dressed, coerce the boys up, who initially fight us until they realize where we are, and they get turbo-dressed in about 45 seconds. Teeth are brushed. Clothes are on. Shoes on. Eric's shoes on wrong feet. Change Eric's feet (as I tell him).
I hop outside to check the temperature to see if we should wear coats or not and had this view:

I am still amazed at our luck of snagging this room. I was a little worried about the floodlights blinding us, but the curtains kept the light out fairly well.
7:01 in the morning, and we're at the bus stop for MK. Now, most of you Disney freaks are thinking, "they're eating at either Chef Mickeys, CRT, the Crystal Palace, or Ohana's." You would be correct if you were thinking that. For those of you who were not thinking that, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???!!! Some of you may have been thinking "7:01???? That's only 6:01 Central, and that's gotta be borderline child abuse!"
Heck, most of you were probably thinking child abuse from yesterday's report (no, I didn't actually threaten to get a plane ticket back home on the first day).
We do an obligatory queue line pic (we would have done it yesterday in the first queue line, but the darn bus was there too quickly and ruined our vacation).

Yes, this is our "matching" day…we allow Sheri the pleasure of ONE (1) day where we all wear the same shirt. Trust me, this is sooo much better than last year's first day at MK (remember the Incredifam?). Yes, same shirts. Yes, crocs…they wanted to wear them, and I wasn't going to fight them. It was a major faux pax to wear them with socks, but so what?! I thought that picture of them turned out really well.
Y'all never see Sheri as she's usually the one behind the camera:

Aaron's an aspiring photographer, so he asks to take a pic.

Monkey see, monkey do, so Eric grabs the camera:

A minute after we get in the queue line, a nice family from Singapore hops in, and we talk to them while we wait. The second photo was courtesy of them taking it for us. The bus comes within 10 minutes, and we're on our way. Now, if you've followed either of the other 2 trip reports, we're not the type of folks that just sit on the bus. We like to talk to people (if they're up to talking…there are times we've gotten vibes from people that just want to ride. 95% of the time however, everyone's excited and wants to gab). Across from us sits a family that was, if you can believe it, more sarcastic than us. I ask where they're from.
"Rhode Island!"
"Ahh….I was guessing New England somewhere"
"How could you tell? From our A (draws out the 'A' sound) …ttitude?
We had a good conversation with them…they got in just before the big storm hit there (this was December 15th, 2008, for you Northeasterners who are trying to remember which storm I'm talking about).
In what seems like no time at all, we're through the tollbooths and hearing the GPS-directed music for Magic Kingdom. I always turn into a little kid here as I start to look for my first view of the castle. When we go under the waterway, we see one of the ferries making its way over our head (I couldn't tell which one it was). THAT is a weird sight! I never thought about what they do with the watercraft at night.
We get to the MK entrance, fly through the bag check (no diaper bag…oh, Nirvana). They wanted to look at the camera case, which I had holstered on my belt, and I decided that I'd do a cowboy thing from now own and just show them my holstered weapon when I walk by.
Within a few minutes, we head under the train station and are in the town square.
We offer to take a pic for a family, and they return the favor:

It seems like there aren't that many reservations for the 8 am rush…it was soooo nice with no crowds. Crystal Palace with an 8:05 ressie will likely be a tradition for us.

We get to CP, and I check in. The boys take up a position that just comes natural to them. Sheri snapped a great pic of them at this location last year and got another good one:

To me, it just says "Amazement"
A father is trying to get a pic of his wife and a fairly young child on the bridge leading to Adventureland. Again, we offer to take a pic of the whole family, and, hesitantly, he agrees (brand new camera…I think he was afraid I'd either drop it in the water or toss it up on the topmost branch at the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse). He then takes one for us:

The guy was GOOD with the camera.
Within a few minutes, a girl comes out and is looking for the…the…Mush…Musher…
"That's us…you can laugh…we're used to it."
She seats us in an awesome place…right by the window, near where everyone checks in…

We beg for coffee and orange juice and make our way to the buffet. We're one of the first ones there, so we get dibs on everything. Aaron decides that he's going to eat healthy today.
Whose kid is this?
I help Eric get his plate (we may as well have just taken the entire pan of sausage). I got a couple small items of fruit, reserving most of my plate for the breakfast lasagna. I head over to the lasagna, and there it is in all of its glory.
I grab the spoon to get a plateful and realize that there's no spoon.
Don't panic…look around.
Whew…someone was nearby and got a spoon.
Continued HERE.
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