Part I of Day 3 is HERE
We grab Fastpasses for a second round trip in Soarin, and I mark off the bathroom by the Soarin entry at 8:31. We then make our way over to Test Track.

I can't quite pinpoint why, but I really like that last picture of the two of them.
Right after we get those pictures taken, Aaron starts getting a little nervous, saying that he's too scared to ride it. I tell him that, if he was okay with Space Mountain, then this is no problem at all. We get in, and Eric is just stoked to ride this thing…he's ready to go! We get in, and Eric starts the "Whhheeeee" thing. If you could have seen the ride pic, you would have seen that Aaron got over his fear. I completely forgot that we didn't' have anyone else in the car with us on that ride.
We hop off, and this ride is an immediate hit with the boys!!! We'll have to do this one again. We'll try to get it in at night as I'm the only one who has done this. We head over towards SSE and mark off the bathroom near guest relations east of the Golf Ball at 9:07. This will be only the second time for us to ride SSE, and the first since the rehab. Aaron rides with Sheri in front, and I throw Eric in with me. Aaron sees a touch-screen in front of him, and, being a kid, immediately touches it.
Deutch was the language selected.
Sheri nearly started banging her head on the screen.
We calmly select English and wonder if Rosetta Stone can teach a language in 20 seconds. I had visions of plugging Sheri into something like in The Matrix where she could download the language into her brain.
I hold Eric up a bit for the picture…Sheri didn't notice that they were taking the pic. She's having the day I usually have.
As we go through, I try to translate Dame Judy Dench as she talks. After a while I start paraphrasing (something about paper…the library got torched…). I didn't think the boys would be too hip on this one, but they liked it…especially the descent with the mirrors and stars. Sheri had no idea how to answer the questions for the conclusion of the ride, but they both ended up being extreme skiers. Aaron, unfortunately, had a skiing accident. Eric and I were doing something with being in space. I try to take a pic with the cell phone, but they didn't turn out at all. Sheri, not to leave this one go without ridicule, mentions that it was too bad I didn't have some piece of equipment whose primary goal was to capture events in digital form.
My turn to bang my head on the screen.
It would have taken too long to get the camera on, turn the flash off, and move it to a night setting. She didn't buy it.
We hop off the golf ball and make our way to the Fastpass return for Soarin. I contemplate revisiting that bathroom I checked off a while before, but I figured that, being the Fastpass line, I might have a chance to make it. While there I get the tingly feeling in my pants that we all know and love…followed by a corresponding BEEP BEEP BEEP. Text Message. I get an automated text from the radio station back home mentioning that a Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect for central Illinois.
Happy Birthday to me!! Muuaaaahaahahahaaha
A minute later, I get another text…from Sister #1 (Emily). "Happy birthday! Hope ur enjoying the weather down there…ass!" You're darn right I replied with "Thanks! Sunny & 80 here today. Just got a Weather Advisory for Downs. NYAHHH." I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when she got that one.
We fly through the Fastpass return line for a bit, and then the line comes to a crawl. I wonder if one of the sides went down. We talked to the folks behind us for a while. The father was a researcher at the University of Dayton, and his youngest son had just finished his first semester at THE Ohio State University (sorry…the emphasis on the "THE" has always been the way I've said it after the President of a national student advisory board that I was a part of corrected us when we called it "Ohio State."). They are doing the same thing as us (getting down there as soon as finals are done to avoid the crowds). This time around on the ride, Eric was a little scared…not sure if it was because of the volume or because he knew there were fireworks at the end. We hop out of the attraction, and I decide to check out another stall at the bathroom at 10:50.
DaisyDebbie sent a couple of texts, wishing a happy birthday and mentioning that they may not be able to get over there until later Friday due to Lexi's school. Soon after, sister #2 fires off a birthday message. I chuckle as I go through my stored messages as I write this…I actually told her that I was fighting a stomach bug and wasn't 100% …but it was still better than Illinois. I think sending those last words will come back to haunt me because it was about that time Fred kicked it up another notch.
We choose to skip World Showcase for now and just eat at Sunshine Seasons. Nothing really looked that great to me, though I'm guessing that, at another time, they would have great food. The other three go with Asian cuisine, and I go with a sandwich. 11:10, and I'm checking out a third stall in the bathroom by Soarin. I started counting tiles, but I lost count a couple of times. I come back, feeling terrible for them having to wait up for me.
We make our way to the Seas and do the requisite MINE yell at the birds. The wait time was listed at 20 minutes, but it was only about 10. We hop on the clam-mobile and ride through. I seriously just wanted to stay on-board and just sit there for a while. We get up, however, and I immediately go looking for a bathroom. First, we go look for the manatees…Aaron was really looking forward to seeing them again as he's read a little about them in a book he got from the library. 11:45, and I can mark off a bathroom in the Seas. I'm down to about 40%, but we have to do a Bruce pic. I choose to just get them over there and stay out of the picture.

Hmmm…perhaps Aaron is my son after all…he's got the same look that I did last year at this very place. I'll cross the UPS guy off the list for the time being (he's been on and off the list about 75 times since Aaron's been born).
My family graciously decides to head back to the resort so I can hopefully get some rest. We get back to the hotel around 12:35, and I go straight to the room I've been spending most of my time in lately. I try to rest as best I can…nope.
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