(Day 2, Part 1 is located HERE)
The Incredifam head over near Liberty Square and wait for the rope drop. The goal was to head over to Fantasyland first and get those rides out of the way. I knew this because Moron had me in the same pocket as his pocket-sized touring book. Well, that, and I recall some other folks that they talked to the previous night mentioning that they would also be near Fantasyland at the opening. The rope drops, and several women with strollers go SCREAMING up the pathway towards Fantasyland. Chris just shakes his head and mentions something to Sheri about parents running to get their daughters to wake up Tink. We make our way towards the first attraction, and I can feel Moron start to tense up. We walk on the first ride of an attraction called "Dumbo"…the very first ride of the day for this one. Moron nervously looks around and says to Sheri that he was fully expecting to see Debbie with a video camera on the ground. Sheri grabs Camera…

In case you didn't see that one well enough, here it is again (on orders from Sheri)

And again (told you there was some evil in her on the inside)

(Mush's note: Okay, for those who are newer readers, there is a long-running joke with a bunch of my friends about me and elephants. It all stems back to a funny post war I had with the owner of the boards that I frequent, and it involved making your own "motivational posters" with whatever pictures and text you had or could come up with. I got him with a couple of good posters in a row, and he fired back with a poster involving me, an elephant, and a little creative photoshopping...it goes down in infamy as one of the funniest (and wrongest) things I've ever seen. THAT'S why there are so many elephant jokes thrown my way on occasion...anyways, back to the phone.)
Just look at that smile on Eric…his first ride, and he's on cloud nine! We ride Dumbo, and Eric giggled the entire ride. We disembark and head over to Peter Pan. Sheri rides with Eric, and Chris rides with Aaron. It appeared a bit darker that usual (some of the backlighting was out). This is one of Chris's and Aaron's favorite rides, and they pointed out things to each other the entire ride. After the ride, they went to see how Eric liked it (Peter Pan is his second-favorite movie, after Toy Story). He was a little freaked out with the dark.
Eric points to the Carrousel, and Chris mentions that we're well ahead of schedule, so we head over and do that. Then we make our way over to Tomorrowland for Buzz. Eric is psyched for this ride because Aaron has been talking this one up nonstop. The wait time is, as Sheri puts it, AFAYCW (As Fast As You Can Walk). We can go straight to the ride, but the Incredifam exits stage left into the queue lines so the boys can listen to Buzz give the lecture.

As we exit Buzz, we find Stitch. This was a character that Aaron wanted to see last time, but we never had the timing right for him. We get in line, and Eric almost runs in front of the family in front of us. Stitch runs away from the boys for a few seconds, and they boys just love it!

Oh, and Eric would NOT take off those ears for almost the entire trip!
Again, my apologies for all of the pics. Since I was shoved in a pocket for much of this part, I had to rely on Camera regarding what went on.
All of this was about to change, however.
Moron pulls me out and uses me like a…well, he called Maureen (aka 'Mo') at 9:55. As he's talking to Mo about where everyone was, I get an incoming call (9:56) from a number not stored in my brain. I let Moron know that someone's calling, but he's too busy talking to someone else, so I tell the other phone to go to my long-term memory (you humans call it voice-mail). The Incredifam heads to the Tomorrowland bridge to meet up with Todd, Mo, and Company. Chris uses me to check the voice mail, and it's Mare, letting him know that they're running a bit late. I'm temporarily put back in the pocket while the families meet. I ring again (somewhere around 10:15…so many calls that I didn't register this one), and my memory tells me it's someone called Mel. They're heading from Fantasyland to ToonTown, and we're on our way from Tomorrowland to ToonTown. Moron puts me back as we get to ToonTown. The Incredifam, along with Todd and Christian, ride the Barnstormer.

The boys loved this one…good sign in case Aaron wanted to consider BTMRR. We hop in line with Mo and the kids for Minnie's House and then head over to Mickey's house, so Eric can FINALLY see him. Next in line, and I ring…Mel was calling (10:21). Moron had me on vibrate and decided to let voice mail take it since we were about to let the kids loose on the mouse. After we leave there, I'm used to check the voice mail. Mel's crew is in ToonTown and wondering where we were at. We start heading back towards the Barnstormer area (where Todd was) when we spot Mel going into Minnie's house. Moron grabs me and tries to call Mel, but he didn't get her in time. The Incredifam and Christian wait at the exit, while Mo, Charlotte, and Rhiannon head in the front. While we're waiting, Aaron, Eric, and Christian get to know each other a little better:

Moron sees Maureen peering through the window in Minnie's house…they caught up with Mel and Amelia. What does he do? He sticks his tongue out at her. I swear he's a 12 year old trapped in a 67 year old's body! They all come out, and introductions were made all around. The Incrediboys were getting really antsy, and Ernie (Mel's and EB's son...Amelia's little brother...got it?) was in a rare melting down stage. Sheri promised the boys that they could see the princesses (I think Chris was included in the rank of "boys"). Plans were made to get back together, and into the big tent we went.
We waited.
And waited.
And waited.
It was getting a little hot, and the boys were getting tired and cranky. The Incredifam struck up a conversation with the family behind them. Too bad they didn't hear me screaming at them to answer me. Debbie left a message (10:34). We finally got to the point where we were about to go into the room, and we knew it would be close on getting in or waiting a few more minutes. When the CM asked how many people were in our party, Moron looked at the family behind us and jokingly asked if they were with us. Both families made it through, with the other family calling out "wait for us Dad!" to the Moron. Chris turned and asked why HE had to be the Daddy! They agreed to be third cousins.
They're all morons.
Camera got the best view for this part. While in the room, we were waiting for Aurora, Cinderella, and Belle. Eric nearly wet his pants (literally) when he first saw Cindy as he is madly in love with her. None of the families in the room were to her yet, so she notices him (his excitement, not the potentially wet pants) and (of course) comments on the Incredibles family. She asks who Aaron is (Dash) and who Eric is ("Jack Jack") – she then comments that she has a friend named Jack-Jack (the mouse in red FYI…hey, even though I'm a phone, I'm on during the day and I have seen/heard this movie at least 25 times!). She asks where Violet was. Sheri immediately turns to Moron and says, "SEE?! We need a Violet!" Simultaneously, Chris, in a dead-serious tone, looks directly at Cindy and says, "There is no Violet, and there probably won't be a Violet!" At almost the exact same time, our third cousins behind us state that Violet is, in fact, in college and couldn't make the trip.
Poor Cindy dropped out of character for a moment and burst out laughing for about 20 seconds before regaining herself.
Up first was Aurora. She really made the boys comfortable and talked to them for quite a while.

Then came Cinderelly.
Eric simply was enamored by her and wouldn't take his eyes off of her. She asked what his name was, and he said "Jack-Jack" again. She was absolutely great with them.

Belle was next, and each boy got a kiss from her. Camera thinks Aaron liked Belle the best.
With that done, the Moron FINALLY looks at me and notices that there's a message waiting for him. They grab something to drink, and, while Chris is waiting to pay (the folks in front had a minor problem with a purchase), Sheri kept putting things up to add to the things to buy. While paying, Sheri took some pics of the boys in hats:

Dale and Dale (Dave and Dave? ...in reference to a friend whose daughter called Chip and Dale "Chuck and Dave" when she was younger)

A little over a week early, Eric…it's on the 28th.

He had us in Stitches.
The Moron tries to call Debbie's old number again and once again doesn't get her. We head out towards Fantasyland and decide to try Philharmagic. The crowds are getting a little crazier, and it's definitely getting hotter out here.

With the attraction being a little dark and a little loud, Chris and Sheri were concerned about Eric, though Aaron absolutely loved it a couple of years ago. Eric smiled throughout the entire show as he grabbed for all the 3D items. Yep, I'll speak for the Incredifam…this had become Eric's favorite attraction. After a short fight with Eric to give the 3D glasses up, Elastigirl decides to head over to try IASW. The line is out the door and into the walkway between IASW and Peter Pan. We get in and immediately I hear someone holler out Chris's name.
Good…he ain't hearing me when I ring…maybe he'll hear someone shouting at him from 20 feet away.
Chris looks up and sees Mo and Mare together in the same queue as us. They decide to wait for us to catch up with them. They say that Debbie had JUST left as we walked up. I think I overheard them say that Mel's crew might still be somewhere in the park.

The entire crew took up 3 rows of the boat. 5 kids pile into the row between the adults, while Mo, Charlotte, and Mare ride in front, and Sheri, Eric, and Chris ride in back. Throughout the ride, the kids point and talk. Renee and Mare offer up some fantastic trivia about the attraction, which the Moron readily absorbs (he can't recall whether he locked the house up or turned off the coffee pot every day, but he can readily remember facts on stuff that are useless). Mo and Mare talk to Sheri about joining the Lodge (which she eventually did), and Mare comments that she thinks Sheri has a secret dark side to her. Moron informs Mare that there is no secret about it and then points out the pornographic chicken (see the May 2007 Trip Report). I think I heard Eric tell his parents that he really liked the tunnels on the ride.
We get off and notice that it rained while we were on the ride. I secretly thanked my owner for not getting me wet this time. Todd comes over, and everybody gabs for a few minutes. Plans are made for the evening. Todd was really funny…he suggested that the Moron arrive around 6 pm and save a few places to view Spectro at that time. Mo gave Aaron and Eric light-up toys to use in the dark rides in case they get scared.
Everyone parts ways, and the Incredifam starts swimming upstream through the castle towards the exit. I am put into action again as Debbie calls (12:34), but I was once again ignored, so she goes to voice-mail. We miraculously make it out of the park and head towards the buses. Now here is where Chris hits an all-time low in the stupidity factor. He decides to check his voice mail while in line for the bus. Debbie actually LEAVES HIM her cell phone number in the message. Chris kind of noticed that the number didn't sound the same as what he had saved for her, but, in his infinite wisdom, forgets to save the message and ultimately deletes it!
In the case of World vs. Mush on whether Chris is a moron or not, the Prosecution rests!
At 12:55, Mel calls. Hallelujah…Moron hears me screaming and answers me! It was another close call, but meeting up with them just doesn't seem to be in the cards for today. Chris agrees to call her in the evening to see if they will be around for the parade. On the ride back to the Pop, I hear him humming the various songs on the bus (theme to All in the Family, Witch Doctor, New York New York, etc). Soon we arrive at the hotel, and the crew makes it to their room. To our delight, housekeeping has already been there. Chris throws me on the table (the bastard!) and then picks me up as he grabs a mug to go fill up with diet-coke. He decides that, while walking up to the food court, he'd give "Debbie" a call to catch up, since he hadn't talked to her yet (1:29).
For some strange reason, Debbie again didn't answer the phone (IT'S NOT HER NUMBER!!!!!) so Chris leaves this: "Hiya Deb! It's Mush…call Squid! Okay…here's where everyone's at: Mare's with Mo's crew and still at MK. They may have already hooked back up with y'all. Mel is at MK but heading out soon, though they might be back tonight. We're at the Pop resting and will be back at MK this evening. We'll be calling Mo, Mare, and Mel to try to hook up for Spectro and maybe Wishes. Mo, Mare, and Mel…try to say that 5 times fast! Hope to see ya tonight!"
That restraining order from the poor woman in New York who got all these messages shuld be arriving in Central Ilinis any day now.
Moron g_ts th d__ks in the mug an h_ds back ro_______. Aar___ ____ j_mp_ng on the b_d___. __________
Powers Down
Part 3 HERE
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